Tips for Family Members

Top Ten Tips for Helping Your Student Succeed at KU
  1. Encourage your student to visit the KU Writing Center and the resources of the University Academic Support Centers.
  2. Suggest your student become involved in one of the many clubs and organizations on campus within the Student Involvement & Leadership Center.
  3. Share your expectations about alcohol/drug choices
  4. Talk to your student about finances, budgeting and credit card usage. To learn more about personal finance visit Student Money Management Services.
  5. Encourage your student to think about a career and a major. To learn more about finding a major and the many career choices visit the Advising Center.
  6. Keep the lines of communication open; yet, let them become their own problem solver. 
  7. Visit your student and let them show you their new home.
  8. Expect your student to change while at KU. 
  9. Remind your student about the importance of going to class and being prepared
  10. If you think your student needs more help than you can give long distance, remind them that successful students use campus resources, including the Counseling and Psychological Services.